Plum Variations

In autumn plums appear at the markets in various sizes, colors and shapes. For example the round ones are pretty close to nectarines, with the only visual difference that their skins are blue or pale yellow. The oval damsons are the most common here in Franconia, in most cases this is the plum you will find at all markets. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, you might even spot some tiny greengages. Removing their seeds makes the most work among these three plums, but greengages also have a very nice wild, more natural taste. For this dessert I combined these three plum subspecies, all with interesting added flavorings.

Damson Terrine with Plum-Marzipan Tarte and Greengage Sorbet

I admit, the amount of terrines was quite high in the last few month, so this might be the last one for this year. My idea was to have two separate colors which should clearly be distinguishable when the terrine is sliced. Because all red and blue color is kept in the skins of the damsons, I peeled them and soaked the skins along with ginger and lemongrass in a simple syrup. This became the red gelatine which surrounded the yellow peeled damsons. To this room temperature terrine I included a hot and a cold element. From the greengages I made a simple sorbet tweaked by some fresh coriander seeds. For the hot element I baked a simple tart with a puff pastry base, spread with marzipan and covered with a layer of thinly sliced plum. Marzipan and plum really works great together, as does fresh coriander with greengages, or ginger and lemongrass with damsons. The final result turned out just as I planned with a lot of pleasant contrasts: hot and cold, creamy and crispy, sweet and sour, dense and refreshingly light.
