Tomato Terrine, Goat Cheese Espuma and Grilled Spring Onion

If you plan to make a terrine say for 4 guests, you’ll always have to deal with leftovers due to form sizes and minimum amounts from which upwards terrines make sense. For example from this tomato terrine you can cut 14 to 16 slices, much more than you need for the twisted caprese. Leftovers, or generally food should never be wasted, so here’s another idea for an appetizer with the tomato terrine.

Tomato Terrine, Goat Cheese Espuma and Grilled Spring Onion

In this recipe I paired the flavorful tomato terrine with grilled scallions and goat cheese espuma. This time I rubbed the spring onions with some olive oil. Thanks to the shininess from the oil and the slightly rotated charring the grilled scallions looked much more delicate as the last time. The recipe for the goat cheese espuma is a variation of the recipe from the cookbook delivered together with an iSi cream whipper.
